When individuals have a great experience, whether it’s a visit to a store, staying at a boutique hotel or dining at a restaurant, they will most likely become loyal to that brand. That in turn will make them want to share with others, creating word of mouth marketing for you which means potential new customers and returning guests. From branded merchandise to experiential experiences; The House of COCOLILY can assist in showcasing your brand with style and purpose. Printing Services also available.
Assistance with theme and ideas for a live installation
Plan your next customer appreciation program
VIP Guest Gifting including venue clients
Menu design along with marketing material
Hotel amenity ideas to wow your guests; leaving a lasting impression
Unique promotional gifts for catering clients
Create a unique line of branded merchandise; bringing your brand to life
Curate stylish custom apparel for staff
Creative restaurant and cafe merchandise ideas to increase your revenue
Plan your next in-store event which includes theme curation, local collaborations and marketing calendar
Design graphics for your branded merchandise
Branded packaging consulting - ensuring your branding is present and perfect when it arrives to your customer for the ultimate unboxing experience
Creative pop-up shop ideas
Seasonal promotional ideas and programs
Develop a custom program
Curate a collection of in-house merchandise to increase your revenue